Looking to reduce plastic waste ?
Visit one of our refill shops.
You can bring your own container or borrow one of our recycled bottles. We also have a range of eco friendly bottles, jars and pouches you can purchase and reuse every time you visit us.
You only buy what you need so we offer products per 100ml or 100gm. Simply bring your container, then fill, weigh and pay.
Not tried the refill option before ?
Why not purchase one of our starter selections so you can try a range of products in a smaller size to see what you think. We love all of our products so don’t think you will be disappointed. See the range of starter selection packs in our online shop or at any of our pop up shops.
Can I bring any container to refill ?
Taking into account Health and Safety, we don’t encourage people to refill our detergents in milk or drink bottles. If customers insist in refilling detergents in milk bottles, they do so at their own risk. There is a risk that children and people who don’t read English could reach out for the bottle thinking it is a drink. We ask that all reusable containers are stripped of food and/or drink labels and that you stick our product label on your reusable container. Please clean and dry all containers before refilling.